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benefits of making it yourself

It's not news that we're in the middle of a pandemic, and due to the constant changes to our way of life, it's not uncommon to be left feeling uncertain, disconnected from the world, even yourself, and, rightly so, unmotivated to keep adapting to the "new normal." Reconnecting with creative activities offers a sanctuary for us to experience joy and meditative flow. For centuries, humans have created pictures, stories, dances and chants to provide a connection to both past and present as well as rituals for healing.

At simétrie, our craft is our occupation and we find great purpose in the process of creating beautiful and timeless pieces for you - our community. We want to extend this experience to all of you during a time that calls on meditative and creative practices. Our Made From Home Leather Kits and Tool Kits allow you to explore your creativity from the safety of your home. 

Made From Home Leather Kits
Made From Home Leather Kit - the Elevation Tote

There are many reasons why creativity is good for us. Below, we explore the physical and mental benefits of creating on our overall well-being. 

Reduced stress

The process of creation has the ability to transform into a meditative state of flow, lowering stress levels and resulting in mental clarity. 

A study by the  American Journal of Public Health - The Connection Between Art, Healing and Public Health - uncovered that those who immersed themselves in arts and crafts experienced “reductions in stress and anxiety” and “increases in positive emotions.” 

Increased confidence

As a creator, your finished works have the ability to foster a sense of achievement, which unlocks happiness and a deep-seated sense of fulfillment. Your body also makes a great effort to reward your endeavours. Every time you finish a creation, the feel-good neurotransmitter called dopamine kicks in, which reduces feelings of depression and boosts your confidence levels [1].

Physical health benefits

The sense of control that stems from empowerment and mastery of creation, has been found to translate positive emotions in the brain to physical benefits in the body in a study by Gene D. Cohen. Essentially, the positive emotions associated with creation trigger immune boosting cells.

In regards to the long term health benefits of creative activities, the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging discovered that people over the age of 70 who involved themselves in arts and crafts reduced the risk of developing mild cognitive impairment in comparison to those who read books. 

Leather Tool Kit

Leather Tool Kit


At simétrie we hope that you are able to find a creative practice that gives you both joy and a sense of clarity during these difficult times. 

If bag making is something you want to get involved with, we have Made From Home Leather Kits and Tool Kits available for purchase here. 

[1] The Connection Between Art, Healing and Public Health
[2] Gene D. Cohen
[3] Mayo Clinic Study of Aging



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